YAY! We’ve moved!

This is now in Canberra. The trip was a total success, with only a mild problem with remote console access causing a bit of heartache.

However, there was a fair bit of good feedback in relation to the PvP server, so we may leave it up. If anyone has any comments for or against, please feel free to comment here

(Also, I’ve left the ‘Track Rob’ page up on http://pvp.mcau.org, so you can follow me on my way back to Brisbane to pull everything ELSE out of the datacenter up there)

37 thoughts on “YAY! We’ve moved!

  1. I find the factions server a great idea! It *may* outsource some of the hatred and griefing from the normal MCAU server. If people have an alternative to (limited) destruction but then getting banned, they’ll take it! It is kind of worrying though, since more and more users are going ‘Lone Wolf’, taking up land around our base. Perhaps consider expanding the map a bit more?

  2. PvP was quite fun. Nothing like getting revenge on that one guy for killing you XD. Would be awesome as a second server or hell even just a second event world type thing.

  3. pvp was awesome, i liked the idea of factions but the way you claimed regions thing and the power, i reckon we should just have the original claiming.

  4. i would like to keep the pvp server as long as:
    1. it doesnt lag the non-pvp server
    i like to play on a non-pvp server more but like pvp sometimes
    2. it doesnt become only pvp
    as i said, i like my non-pvp

  5. The Faction PVP server was the most fun I have had on Minecraft in months. Quite disapointed that it is down at the moment. Will it be coming back up anytime soon?

  6. Enjoyed the PvP server it was a lot of fun. Maybe there should only have couple main factions and they can battle it out. If possible maybe create sub-factions under the main faction to make it fun for groups to stick together. Also maybe the sub-faction’s could do a little bit of back stabbing to each other.

    Map will need to be bigger as well. The temp map was way to small and everybody was bunching up in the small area we had.

    Also depending on if it is possible with the server and it’s speed maybe access to the Nether (or allow peaceful groups access) or potions via stores.

  7. The PvP server is really fun. Me and my friends have got to together as a faction and its really cool. This is the most fun on MCAU I’ve had in ages… I vote for it to stay up.

  8. Also, i vote to have the same map as the temp, because we didnt know it was temp and we have awesome stuff. Please dont change the map, it was a fantastic map.

  9. I liked how most of the factions formed alliances to take each other down, that was pretty cool.
    But that left the issue of if a faction didnt have the same ammount of power than the rest of the alliance did, they couldnt do much.
    So it would be great if we could create named alliances, which combined the power of all of the factions involved, and could crush smaller factions or wage war on alliances as a whole.

    I would mabye like a better way to stop spawn camping. That would be hard to figure out, but it would be worth it if it was puleld off well. Mabye there could be a huge area surrounding spawn where if you spent more than a set amount of time inside of it, you died.

    Other than that, it was a load of fun πŸ˜€

    • What I think would be a nice change would be limiting the maximum members of a faction. Maybe 5 members or so. If you do that then you limit the possible power, which creates more need for faction alliances / enemies. It also prevents a single faction becoming overpoweringly powerful.

      If you make spawn larger, with less defined exits, you decrease the stress by making spawn-campers spread themselves thinner. That being said, you should be using /f home to get home.

      A very simple way to prevent the shoving of players who are trying to TP is to have closets with a pressureplate on the floor. Enter closet, door is shut until you’ve teleported off the pressureplate.

      Anyway, I do vote we bring it back in *some* fashion, but perhaps in a slightly more planned way. πŸ™‚

      • In response to the faction limit:

        I think that hardly any factions will be able to reach the cap safely. If you have more than 5 members in your faction, you’re almost bound to have someone that you don’t trust. Meaning that they have the power to almost completely DESTROY your base, steal your items and deal some severe blows to your faction. Therefore if there is a massive clan, it has a high chance of collapsing on itself.

  10. I reckon you should turn PvP into a survival games server. They are really fun and all the american ones lag. That’s what I reckon, cause I don’t particularly like normal PvP.

  11. The pvp server was great fun, i believe it could be better with maybe the towny plugin allowing only a certain faction to warp to that town. Also a real time map like the one that is set up for mcau although not showing player movements.

    Also if you added a custom map that meant that the map had huts or abandoned castle spread through out it with small rewards in chests.Also the factions worked really well apart from the fact that it was to easy to create one, if you made it that it cost to start a faction or you had to have a certain number of people join your faction in a week say otherwise it would be deleted. This would stop the creation of lots of one man factions.

  12. I liked the PvP server. The map used seemed to have been slightly WorldEdited though, not natural.

    I’m happy for a mix of both. Also that way any downtime on either server won’t affect people too much at all.

    2 main factions with individual sub-factions (like the ones we had freedom to make) would be good because it felt a bit all-on-all, and as mentioned before a lot of Lone Wolfing happened and tons of random land was claimed.

    • The only thing that was worldedited was the HALP box at spawn, and that was just putting up the walls. Everything else was pure natural terraingen.

      • REALLY?! :O I’m assuming you have already, but if you haven’t scout a few areas as they seem very odd. The placement of some of the blocks of land made it appear to me they were designed specifically for PvP, so you must’ve picked a really good spot for home!

        Poor “Sparta”, constantly being invaded by my “Synthesis” 2 man crew ;D the entire time we had a piston-operated door out the side of a mountain right near their castle, they had no clue where we came from haha. Really enjoyed it. Bring ze PvPs back! πŸ˜€

  13. Keep it πŸ˜€ I think it’s good for MCAU to have another PVP server, Or add the map to a portal at spawn, so that we can get back and forth only from one server.

  14. I loved PvP but a few things anoyed me about it:
    every time you do /spawn or /f home or something you have to wait 10 full seconds (5 to warm up, 5 to wait) and you have to stand still for that time.
    Another thing is the mining glitch I hit diamond ores and it just turns out to be stone.
    If these 2 things were removed I would think MCAU PvP was perfect bit other than that, it was good.

    • Both of those things were there on purpose.

      The warp timer was to stop people from going home when they were about to be attacked. Since it was timed, and you had to not do anything while it warmed up, it prevented people from seeing someone go towards them, realise they would die, and teleport away from danger, defeating the point of pvp.

      The blocks appearing where they shouldnt be was anti-xray. The blocks appeared there to stop xrayers. They would see the block, goto it and realise they were being tricked by the server, so they wouldnt do it as often since they would be wasting their time.

      The timer could mabye be reduced to 5, but both of these things were good to have in place.

  15. It would be great if we kept it, because I myself enjoy a mixture of PVP and non-PVP. A lot of people enjoy building but it’s fun to go around killing people too either with or without allies πŸ˜€ I agree though that there should be a way to stop spawn-camping, because it is frustrating having no faction, territory or items/weapons AND hardly being able to go somewhere without some guy with diamond chasing you as soon as you leave spawn.

    There were some great factions on the temporary server we had, but I wouldn’t mind if we had to make a new map.

    Bring it back! πŸ˜€

  16. Agree, the server should come back.

    You could ameliorate spawn camping by setting up some warps just outside of spawn’s visible range. Cover all eight points of the compass and put a 5-second warmup on the /warp command. This allows somebody in spawn to jump away in an unknown direction. You could even put the warp destinations in a one-chunk safezone, to prevent ganking immediately after warping.

    A potential downside is that unless /warp can be restricted to the spawn zone, this allows rapid transport in a way that’s only currently possible to /spawn.

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