Actually, Azure sucks.

I do realise that that’s a technical term, that you may not be familiar with. I apologise.

However, it’s terrible. We’ve been having problems with one of the instances (virtual machines) that we’re running inside Azure. As soon it had the slightest bit of load on it, it would suddenly think that its hard drive was faulty, and lock up.  This isn’t what I expect from a cloud provider that’s meant to care deeply about reliability and redunancy.

Then I remembered, this is Microsoft. If there’s one company that doesn’t care about reliability, it’s Microsoft. How foolish of me.

So. Now we’re hosted on Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (aka, EC2). Amazon know how to make a service reliable, and so far have done well.  So everything’s now here. Lets see how this goes!

4 thoughts on “Actually, Azure sucks.

  1. My God, you have certainly had your fair share of issues with platforms and reliability the last few months, impressive you have managed to move the server quite quickly between the platforms and keep sanity at the same time!


  2. Azure does indeed suck. The round-robin port assignment “feature” can’t be disabled, which causes my system to fail frequently. SQL Azure no longer supports many SQL 2008 features, which will require me to rewrite several of my complex stored procs. Finally, I couldn’t delete some DBs and storage instances that I had created for testing, which means I continue to be charged for them.

    I’m with you: Amazon EC2 is the way to go, esp. now that they support Server 2008 and SQL 2008.

  3. Indeed Azure is the last I would choose too! It is a wonder how you can do so much major bullshit. And still people buying…. Without a doubt earth would be a better place without Microsoft and their cloud fuckoff Azure…

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