Minecraft 1.4 is coming in a couple of days.

It’s known as the ‘Scary Update’. And we’re scared. There’s a pile of new things in it – you can read about them here – and we’ll be doing the normal thing. As soon as it starts getting pushed out to clients, we’ll fire up a Vanilla server, and run Vanilla on a temporary map for a while. While you guys are doing that, we’ll be working madly behind the scenes, patching, fixing, and compiling, to get everything back up and working again.  As soon as we’re happy with it, we’ll be back onto our normal map.  Anyone who joins and asks ‘OMG WHERE IS MY HOUSE’ while we’re running on the temporary map will be laughed at.

3 thoughts on “Minecraft 1.4 is coming in a couple of days.

  1. Sounds good! I can’t wait too see all the new things you guys are doing for us! Keep up the good work ^.^

    P.S. If you need any help keeping the Temp Map under control, im here if you need.

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